Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mas Fotos

So lets blog...

So here is where I attend school - Universidad Pablo de Olavide. It's kind of an ugly place to be, but hey, have I ever gone to school because I liked the campus? I guess if you don't count App.

The rest of these photos are of the center of the city

This here is the Cathedral of Seville.
It's the second largest cathedral in western Europe - thanks Google.

I haven't used my camera in years.
This city is just so amazing that you have to try to take a bad picture.

Had to put this one in here.
Apparently this patio inspired the opera "Barber of Seville". @mom

So that's it. Seville is pretty amazing, safe, and easy to navigate (except if you try and not pay for the metro and get on the wrong train).

So until next time - big ups to my homies.