So after being sick for about a week and missing out on a couple of awesome trips, I'll blog about other things. On the plus side - I'm actually reading ... books. Crazy. And I think I might actually be learning how to use my camera.

That's the bridge in Triana (and Will aka willDAbeast). Triana is supposedly where flamenco was invented.

There used to be a huge wall surrounding Sevilla but now all that's left is a few towers around the city.

That's the bridge in Triana (and Will aka willDAbeast). Triana is supposedly where flamenco was invented.
There used to be a huge wall surrounding Sevilla but now all that's left is a few towers around the city.

This here is the Plaza de Toros in Sevilla. At some point I will see a bullfight and I will regret it - I'm sure.
Thought this thing was cool. The three dudes right there are North Americans. We're working on putting together a rap group.
So I feel like a jerk but I talked about it enough that I had to post a couple pictures of haircuts. Don't understand them. Sorry. I'm an American - I guess.

Side note - got schooled in Basketball (baloncesto) by a couple of Spanish dudes wearing tight jeans, sweater vests, loose Nike's, and had obviously been drinking. For having never played basketball I think I did alright.
I'll talk to you soon blog.
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