Sunday, February 13, 2011


There isn't too much Spanish music that's super popular that I can find. I often hear Shakira's "Waka Waka" which is getting old. I did find a couple of cool songs that I like though.

Raphael - Como Yo Te Amo

This guy Raphael is basically a Spanish Frank Sinatra.

Vetusta Morla - Un Día en El Mundo

You don't have to know too much Spanish to have this song stuck in your head.

Young Folks

Sorry. I can't help myself.

Córdoba Part II

So here's part II. I'm sorry if the cliff-hanging post left the reader wanting more - I've watched too much American Idol. Anyways, I have some photos of the Mezquita. It was an Islamic Mosque, and after the reconquest of Spain, it was too beautiful to destroy, so they turned it into a Cathedral. This place is so old and awesome that the graffiti is famous.


It's kind of hard to explain how impressive this place is.

Stay tuned for some more fun stuff and hair cuts.

Córdoba Part I

So my North American friends and I went to Córdoba. It's about 2 hours away by bus and it's well known for it's culture. Actually they were nominated as a candidate city for the European Capital of culture for 2016. It's a beautiful and old place. I'm going to do two posts so I can write more about it because I took quite a few pictures.

This is a huge ruin in the city. Don't really know what to say about it. It's cool.

I like castles.

I like this guy.

I really like castles.

Roman bridge.

So that's what I've got so far. I have some good pictures of the Mezquita (a Cathedral / Mosque hybrid) - what the city is best known for - real cool.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Hand that Feeds

So my Spanish madre is making me move rooms. I told her that I like the sound of cars, the train, and pedestrians. No, I got the boot so that some French students can come stay in my old room.
I'm now down stairs with a view of what we affectionately call 3-Mill. It's an area outside of town where the Spanish government gave 3,000 apartments to the Gypsies to prevent crime and such.
Picture provided below:

So I'm bummed, but at the same time, my house here is awesome. One of my life time goals of living somewhere with a spiral staircase has now been completed. I got a nice blurry pick of it.

Also, speaking of lifetime goals, while I was in Ronda, my friends and I threw paper airplanes off of the cliffs which I imagine is at least a couple hundred foot drop.
I'm still stoked about that - seriously.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Bloggers Block

So after being sick for about a week and missing out on a couple of awesome trips, I'll blog about other things. On the plus side - I'm actually reading ... books. Crazy. And I think I might actually be learning how to use my camera.

That's the bridge in Triana (and Will aka willDAbeast). Triana is supposedly where flamenco was invented.

There used to be a huge wall surrounding Sevilla but now all that's left is a few towers around the city.

This here is the Plaza de Toros in Sevilla. At some point I will see a bullfight and I will regret it - I'm sure.

Thought this thing was cool. The three dudes right there are North Americans. We're working on putting together a rap group.

So I feel like a jerk but I talked about it enough that I had to post a couple pictures of haircuts. Don't understand them. Sorry. I'm an American - I guess.

Side note - got schooled in Basketball (baloncesto) by a couple of Spanish dudes wearing tight jeans, sweater vests, loose Nike's, and had obviously been drinking. For having never played basketball I think I did alright.

I'll talk to you soon blog.